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Super catchy song from this jap-rock band.

I love the lyrics that say “Sold my time so I can get paid.” Ain't that the truth? We trade our time, sell our time to do work for someone, so we can get paid and make money. I've never thought of it that way, but it's another perspective to consider, when you consider that people usually work till they're old. We got to get off that train as soon as possible IMO.

Anyway, sorry for going on a tangent just now. Hope you enjoy the song!

Sold my time so I can get paid Spent it on some shots and champagne, girls liked it Happiness was trynna pretend No one told me or showed me I shouldn't keep pondering

Am I meant to be, am I not meant to be Something so much more? Am I meant to be, am I not meant to be Something so much more? ♪ ♫ ♪
